Seems we are growing in popularity on the other side of the Pond! Guten Tag! Excerpt via Google Translate: “Traxus Control seems to be the ultimate solution if you want to remotely control Traktor Pro 2 on a tablet and is offered as an open source project available for free download. “
Read More »“Traxus Interactive has released what appears to be the most amazing way to play with Native Instruments’ desktop Traktor. He’s got every conceivable control built in here, along with a sequencer for the remix decks. Best of all this is totally free! Just fill in a form to download it.”
Read More »“The features provided by this template open up doors to Traktor that NI has generally held very close to its vest. I’m hoping that a lot of these tools are eventually integrated directly into Traktor, but until then (and that might be a ways away) this is the best we got, and it just so happens it’s pretty damn good. As a note, this is not a review. Once the final version has been released, and all of the bugs[...]
Read More »More love from overseas, this time from Germany. Here is google translates best attempt: “TRAXUS is no app. Rather, it is a template for the Liine LEMUR APP . TRAXUS allows after a long development and shorter Crowdfoundingphase, on the LEMUR APP, the full control four decks in TRAKTOR PRO. The functionality goes far beyond the usual addition. Examples include the Touch Plates, at the Inklens ‘timecode vinyl replacement’ TOUCH TABLE remember or remix cover sequencer, where the concept of[...]
Read More »While running the crowd fund campagin for Traxus Control Traktor, we noticed some hits filtering in from Japan; after digging into analytics a bit we located this website. Shortly after locating this writeup we saw nearly 10 unique donations come from Japan! We can’t pretend to know what they’ve written about us, however google translate’s attempt seems to hint at a glowing review: “TRAXUS almost all, that she can control from your iPad operations of DJ software Traktor Pro2 of[...]
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