
If you’re running a multi touch monitor on Windows 10, you might need to make some settings changes Typically your monitor will be plug and play but if not here are a couple of things to check as well as some usability tweaks you can make: Set Your Touchscreen as the Primary Display Right Click on your windows desktop Select ‘Display Settings’ Select Your Touchscreen Monitor From the numbered boxes at the top, you can use the ‘Identify Displays’ button[...]

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Here’s a quick explanation of how to get MIDI i/o working between one of our webMIDI interfaces and some MIDI compliant software. The specifics of this example assume you are using loopMIDI as a virtual MIDI provider and Traktor as a destination software. However, the same general principles apply to setting up MIDI loopback for any software. What you’ll need:   A Virtual loopback MIDI setup such as loopMIDI LoopMIDI is available for free on Tobias Erichsen’s website. Destination Software[...]

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