Send up the white smoke! Sequence the cowbells to four to the floor on the 808! Alert the blogs, the forums! After 45 contributions from 13 countries spanning 5 continents we have surpassed our goal in just 20 days of crowd funding on indiegogo.
We are working hastily to prepare the download gateway; we have given ourselves a deadline of October 3rd (the end of the indiegogo campagin) however we expect to be live much sooner than that.
If your curious/furious as to the delays, allow me to explain; first and foremost we’ve spent some time setting up a copy-left licence that will forbid rogue profiteering of the template. Secondly, we are working on a download gateway that will collect your email address, this is not for mindless spam but instead to alert you of updates to the core project. Thirdly, we hope to wrap up some quirks in the core .tsi and .jzml files prior to having what will seemingly be at least 100 people downloading them. Fourthly, we have spent a few hours setting up this website, as the blog is a rather insufficent home base for the directions we hope to go.
That said, we are very excited to see the amount of intrest and support towards the template and cannot wait to take it live.
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